A 39 year old from South Carolina who took up the "no twitter tv" cause. I have gotten several notices that I am being searched on the internet so I figured I would put it out.
I started my first twitter account a week before Twitter announced the intention to make a show as a co-colaboration. With the support of a few "big name celebrities" I started my second account @no_twitter_show the viral buzz it created is overwhelming. I never considered myself someone who would get twitteriety. I have and it is crazy. When the buzz first hit Twitter I wanted to put a stop to the idea of a Twitter stalker show The response from the Owners was at best vague The response from Twitter users was clear.
The last post from Evan @ev was "@Alyssa_Milano thx, Alyssa. There is a show in the works, but it's been mis-characterized. #omgalyssamilanojustrepliedtome" so as we can all see the show will go on we just have no clue what it is. The Twitterverse may not like the idea however the Twitter team has approved and signed a contract allowing the twitter tv show to be done.
Myself I feel the tv show is not a good direction given how glitchy twitter is.
But hey I am just some guy from South Carolina.
Thanks to everyone on Twitter who got behind the @no_twitter_show